Our Story

Where do we begin?

We discovered the land during a trip to Sri Lanka shortly after the civil war. The grandfather of the previous owner bought the land from the colonial authorities in 1910. At the time it was nothing more than wild jungle. The first owners dug irrigation pools and planted the land’s virgin coconut trees. 

Over the years since, we dreamt of the vision for Cocoya. An inspiring idyllic garden of eden where we are able to reap and enjoy Mother Nature’s natural wonders - the warm sun light nourishing the flora and fauna that call Cocoya home, the therapeutic hum of her oceans, the gentle ocean breeze, the life-giving rainfall that fills our irrigation canals. A place of rest and respite where we could reconnect with nature, each other and ourselves.

We love our beautiful land and all its natural wonders. The land itself is an active plantation. Our two main crops are coconut and cinnamon and there are numerous other indigenous fruit trees. The surrounding idyllic water lagoon forms a sanctuary for a myriad of beautiful birds and accompanying wildlife.

We open our home to guests who are looking for a unique experience of living in someone’s home on a plantation.